like a butterfly, her wings unfolded – butterflies rising – August 1, 2019, Credited Instagram Share⠀

like a butterfly, her wings unfolded

“like a butterfly, her wings unfolded”

– butterflies rising

On August 1, 2019, Butterfly Yoga Retreat, @butterflyretreat on Instagram, shared the butterflies rising quote “like a butterfly, her wings unfolded” in their Instagram post. They shared the butterflies rising meme of the quote that has “like a butterfly, her wings unfolded” in black font on a light gray background. They shared the quote as inspiration in connection with the new moon and the end of Mercury Retrograde. butterflies rising loves that this business with the energy of self-care and the theme of butterflies felt inspired by the quote. Self-love and self-growth are energies that butterflies rising wrote ‘like a butterfly, her wings unfolded’ about.

like a butterfly, her wings unfolded

August 1, 2019 Instagram share by @butterflyretreat of like a butterfly, her wings unfolded »