i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose…

i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose… so that we know we're not meant to stay in them.

“i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose… so that we know we’re not meant to stay in them. there’s that relentless ache for something more so that we just can’t give up until we grow our wings.”

– butterflies rising

the butterflies rising poem, “i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose…”, is something she wrote about her own struggle with trusting transformation. Transformation can feel so uncomfortable and that discomfort can be so discouraging, and this was her way of reaching for a perspective that gives her hope and helps her trust the process.

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i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose… so that we know we're not meant to stay in them.